Swine Flu FAQ

If you have yet to be hit by the H1N1 flu–“the swine flu”–you may be thinking that you dodged the bullet completely. But as Flu.gov states, there is the possibility of a third wave this winter, and here’s what you should know.

What are symptoms of H1N1 flu?

The symptoms include fever, coughing and/or sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, headaches and/or body aches, chills and fatigue. Although these are symptoms of the seasonal flu, H1N1 symptoms tend to be more severe. Vomiting and diarrhea can also be symptoms.
Flu symptoms from Flu.gov

How does it spread?

H1N1 can be spread from person to person through coughing or sneezing or other close contact. By touching an object with flu viruses on it and bringing your hand to your mouth or nose, you can also become infected.
“Swine Flu and You” – Cdc.gov
Stopgerms.org – Spreading of flu

Who is most at risk?

A Health & Science article in TIME Magazine states that “pregnant women, children between 6 months and 4 years of age, anyone in a household who has contact with kids younger than 6 months old, health-care workers who have direct patient contact and all kids ages 5 to 18 who have underlying medical problems” are first priority for the vaccine since they are at the greatest risk.
Article in TIME
MedScape article – from WebMD

Is the vaccine safe?
The World Health Organization, WHO, says yes. There is, however, the wildly stated possibility of mild side affects such as headache, soreness at point of injection, fever or nausea.
WHO says vaccine is safe – Reuters.com
Side effects FAQ – the CDC

When will the pandemic be over?
Dr. William Schaffner, a flu authority at Vanderbilt University says, “”If it’s not dead, it’s weakening fast. It’s got one foot in the grave.”  But Reuters reports that the WHO says it could take until 2011 to “conquer H1N1 flu pandemic.”
Associated Press article from YahooNews
Reuters : May take until next year

    • stevejfox
    • February 14th, 2010

    Gil — This is good, but include the links within your blog entry…


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